What are you doing today?


Well-known member
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N. Idaho
With the cold crisp weather, but no precipitation the last week, I took the SxS out for a ride. Ran to town, filled a few fuel cans, unloaded them at the shop, and acting like a kid, kicked it in 2WD High and proceeded to spin some donuts on the icy spots, in front of the shop. After a few times around, broke thru the icy spot, hooked up, standing it on two side tires, coming really close to putting it on its lid, really waking me up! Ok. Time to put the gear away

Gary Fowler

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I wish I had a good project to do but alas, all are finished at present. No welding customers, no honey-do's, no storm damage to clean up and all the grounds keeping jobs are finished for the present.
I did make a start on a new knife but it is on hold for now till the tendonitis in my elbows gets better. I have been doing the Voltaren gel treatment an using a little band on the arm but it hasnt helped much. I just got some Voltaren pills yesterday and will attack it from inside the body also and see how it goes. Also doing heating pad treatment a few times per day.


Good Post Points
Bennington Vermont
Hobart MVP210, Hobart Stickmate LX. Lincoln Tombstone AC/DC
I managed to weld one of my wife’s little cart’s caster wheels back in place. It has the nut inserts in 1” tubing and the inserts get pulled out. This is the second wheel I’ve did on it.
Felt good to get the mig out for a few minutes.
Been cleaning and reorganizing the 2nd floor of my shop the last week or so. Finally got it in pretty nice shape.
1st floor is the mechanical and welding while 2nd floor is the wood shop. The building is 24x24.
I insulated it last year at R13 and with a wood stove going, it’s been nice to be out there all day or as much as possible.
Our Vermont winter has been mild so far though. It was 50 degrees outside today.
Looks like a dump run tomorrow to get rid of some of the stuff that got discarded before I decide to keep it.
I confess. I enjoy going to the dump because they have a scrap metal area that I find the occasional treasure to bring home for the welder or plasma cutter.

Gary Fowler

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I just gave HF some more business. I bought some more cutoff wheels, some wire brushes, a laser thermometer, a 4 foot LED shop light to put over the welding table and the Earthquake 20V 3/8" drive impact gun. I already had the 3/4" and 1/2" drive so this completes my set. I have the adapters to covert the other down a size or two but they are also much heavier to handle than the new 3/8" drive. I will try it out tomorrow to see how tight it gets a bolt (nothing scientific just tighen one then use a ratchet to see if I can tighten it more.


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Doing some multitasking, boiling my first ever deer skull and welding up the ladder sections on my tripod to treeleaner conversion. Using the cross bracing for rungs. I plan on adding a 6" angled footrest section to most of the perimeter of the platform; will make it 4' wide... the deer skull is almost ready for bleaching...20201210_180052.jpg20201212_172840.jpg20201208_175332.jpg20201214_174902.jpg

Gary Fowler

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I am trying to recoup from last nights festivities. Rang in the New Year with neighbors and a toast with Dom Perignon Champaign, a total waste of money in my opinion. If you have never tasted it, dont waste your money. I am not a wine fan of any kind, but to me it was no different that a cheap $12 bottle of sparkling wine.
I did manage to polish off about a third of a fifth of Glenlivet 12 year old Scotch prior to midnight which was a much better tasting brew than the Dom.

Oliver 1555

Active member
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On the farm
Lincoln 225 AC stick, Lincoln 140 MIG, Lincoln 256 MIG, Lincoln Squarewave 200 TIG
We drove to Virginia to visit our daughter and son in law before the army moves them. The took us to NYC today to see the sights. Fun for a day, but can’t wait to get back to the farm.


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I live 20 miles from the nearest stop light but spend 1/2 my time in the largest cities in the midwest. Seem to catch my breath again once I get home.

Gary Fowler

Well-known member
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We drove to Virginia to visit our daughter and son in law before the army moves them. The took us to NYC today to see the sights. Fun for a day, but can’t wait to get back to the farm.
My wife always loved to go to New York City but I would drive 200 miles out of my way to avoid it. Nothing there for me for sure.

Oliver 1555

Active member
Good Post Points
On the farm
Lincoln 225 AC stick, Lincoln 140 MIG, Lincoln 256 MIG, Lincoln Squarewave 200 TIG
I agree, one trip to NYC is enough.


Good Post Points
Bennington Vermont
Hobart MVP210, Hobart Stickmate LX. Lincoln Tombstone AC/DC
I agree, one trip to NYC is enough.

We went last year (2019) to see a musical Rockettes Christmas per our daughter’s invitation. Train ride down and back.
First ever experience for me. Enjoyed it with my 6 yr old granddaughter.
I’ve been a couple of times but I also didn’t lose anything there that I need to go back and get.


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Sonoma County
Visiting NYC is like visiting the Grand Canyon or Niagara Falls, you go visit there to better understand our world.

Our daughter got a high level job there and we visited her several times in her three years living in Manhattan. Likewise, we visited her in DC during her couple of years working there. Both places, it was interesting to see the center of business and political power close up. But near everybody both places seemed to be in a hurry to climb over one another to advance themselves. I suppose that's how things get accomplished that couldn't be done anywhere except at the focal point of power. But both are a culture I wouldn't want any part of for myself.

A story that I think is true: NYC and Los Angeles attorneys were working together on a major years-long issue, the asbestos lawsuits or something. The Los Angeles attorneys would shut down around 7pm saying enough for today. While their equals in NYC would still be working at 10 pm local. When we got to NY this finally made sense to me. Rents are so high that people are living like rats in a cage and don't have a comfortable home to return to that is more attractive than just staying in the office until exhausted. In contrast the LA attorneys had real homes with kids, a dog, a lawn. And likely an intention to stay in the same comfortable home when they retired. The NY attorneys were paid a little more. Nobody from LA wanted to move to NY.

Our daughter in Manhattan lived like that. Nearly all restaurant meals, a single-room 'studio' with kitchenette on one wall, the bed plus a couch taking near 100% of the floor space. Entertaining is done in restaurants because with a bed being the major furniture singles wouldn't necessarily want the implication of 'come over this weekend and lets hang out'. Rent about $1500 way up in Harlem. Harlem today isn't like the stereotypes from the past, this white girl wasn't out of place in the the peaceful diversity, but it also didn't seem like she would ever be a real New Yorker and make that her forever home.

We encouraged her to apply for every equivalent position in California and she succeeded, she's now a supervisor in San Francisco. It's an hour drive to come spend the weekend with us at the ranch. We all are glad she finally got home to California.


Well-known member
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N. Idaho
Everyone I know from Cali is leaving, or has already left. I get it the weather is mild, but I would not want to live in a house 8’ from my neighbor, and pay the taxes required to keep that state running.


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Everyone I know from Cali is leaving, or has already left. I get it the weather is mild, but I would not want to live in a house 8’ from my neighbor, and pay the taxes required to keep that state running.
Minnesota is the Frozen Tundra version of Cali. The big difference is it's going to be -13 tonight and people still stay and pay crazy Cali taxes with the crazy Cali style politicians.


Well-known member
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N. Idaho
That’s why I live in a free state. N Idaho is absolutely gorgeous, I can launch my boat on one of 11 lakes within max45 minutes of me. I can ride my SxS to breakfast in town, legally. I have land with too many trees to count, my own riding trails ( horse or horsepower) and I have 4 shooting ranges. I can’t see my closest neighbor, but we’re like family when I do see them. Mountains to hike, trails to ride. Yeah it gets into the 20’s in the winter on average, and we get lots of precipitation, but that’s what makes it lush and green.
I think I’ll stay here.


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Grass Valley, CA
Minnesota is the Frozen Tundra version of Cali. The big difference is it's going to be -13 tonight and people still stay and pay crazy Cali taxes with the crazy Cali style politicians.
That is why my Sister and Brother-in-law are moving from MN to CA this September when he retires. He grew up there, and after retiring from the Airforce in '94 returned, guess 27yrs later, the winters have gotten to him, especially after visiting Cali in December/January. Asked if they were sure they wanted to move back, given the politics, but since 5 of their 8 grandkids live here, the other three are in Maryland, they said there really wasn't much of choice if they want to be able to see their grandkids more than a few times a year.

The taxes aren't that bad, sales tax is .07-.08%, property tax is just 1%(Prop 13), the registration fees and gasoline prices is what most take issues with, if/when they repeal Prop 13, will likely be what makes me move. My main issue with the State is their idiotic gun laws, hopefully with the Supreme Court now having 5 pro 2nd Justices, most of them can be undone.


Well-known member
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N. Idaho
That prop 13 law is great if you are a long time home owner, of had a home in the family. Once you move there and pay $2M for a house, you pay taxes on the new amount

Gary Fowler

Well-known member
Good Post Points
That is why my Sister and Brother-in-law are moving from MN to CA this September when he retires. He grew up there, and after retiring from the Airforce in '94 returned, guess 27yrs later, the winters have gotten to him, especially after visiting Cali in December/January. Asked if they were sure they wanted to move back, given the politics, but since 5 of their 8 grandkids live here, the other three are in Maryland, they said there really wasn't much of choice if they want to be able to see their grandkids more than a few times a year.

The taxes aren't that bad, sales tax is .07-.08%, property tax is just 1%(Prop 13), the registration fees and gasoline prices is what most take issues with, if/when they repeal Prop 13, will likely be what makes me move. My main issue with the State is their idiotic gun laws, hopefully with the Supreme Court now having 5 pro 2nd Justices, most of them can be undone.
Dont forgot the #1 reason not to retire in Cali, housing prices. I think if I wanted to be able to visit grandkids that lived there, I would look at the closest joining state (depending on north, south or central Cali location)

Gary Fowler

Well-known member
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Regarding projects for the past few days. NO Welding. I have been helping my neighbor build some insulated boxes to cover his faucets. He just moved a camper onto his 10 acre property, put in 3 faucets (not frost proof) so we were building some 2'x2'x30" high boxes to cover them . It is supposed to get in the low teens next week so we are getting ready for the freeze.
All my spigots are 4 foot freeze proof so they have at least 2 feet of soil cover. He didnt want to invest that much money in what will be temporary spigots till he can build his house. He is kinda /sorta waiting to see if lumber prices will go back down since it is about triple the cost from 2019 or even early 2020.


Well-known member
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N. Idaho
Yeah, lumber is stupid expensive now. Shortages drive pricing way up. Try finding Pressure treated in this area!