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  • MrCreosote
    MrCreosote replied to the thread WELDING BLACK IRON PIPE.
    There is only one way to weld cast iron: Oxy-acetylene with cast iron rod. (welding is fusion) Preheat entire part or far from the...
  • C
    I switched to propylene for cutting and use with a rosebud. The acetylene can only come out of the acetone just so fast, so you can...
  • C
    For TIG welding, I use a standard #8 lens and switch to an auto-darkening for MIG and stick welding. The #8 setting seems to work well...
  • CA_Bgrwldr
    CA_Bgrwldr replied to the thread small "oriental" wire welder.
    The knob will be the wire feed speed, the Min/Max and 1/2 switches is for the Amp range. Would assume Min/1 would be for .095 and...
  • S
    Get yourself a newer auto dark hood that has grind mode built in as well as automatic shade darkening. Not expensive today and most now...
  • J
    John Renk replied to the thread small "oriental" wire welder.
    Use an inner shield wire you don't need a gas, keep the tip moving only takes a small amount of movement. Might have to use a smaller...
  • J
    John Renk replied to the thread Violent Arc.
    Try spotting the weld on thin material. Grind off the paint and oil before you start.
  • J
    I bought a small wire welder { from my computer repairman who thought he wanted to learn how to weld which didn't work out for him. I...
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  • J
    John Renk replied to the thread Front mount Erskine snowblower.
    Fellow came with an auger he ran into a post, bent the right side auger pretty bad, Little bend here, a push there, pull there, all...
  • J
    Arc, Having a hard time seeing the puddle. I think it might be my lenses is not dark enough. Some of the videos the puddle is plan as...
  • A
    Aldo replied to the thread Violent Arc.
  • A
    Aldo replied to the thread Violent Arc.
  • E
    efred replied to the thread Violent Arc.
    It's been quite a while since I used a stick welder, but 7014 is a shallow, flat orientation penetration rod, with a super-thick slag...
  • C
    Chuck1225 replied to the thread WELDING BLACK IRON PIPE.
    Most steel pipe is made with 80,000 psi tensile strength steel. You can weld it with weaker metal, such as 60 or 70,000 psi material...
  • G
    You would need to change the cutting tips to Propane / MAPP gas tips. I dont think the rose buds you have would work for propane...