RESULTS: Win a Welder Contest


Staff member
Good Post Points
San Diego
Hi Everybody,

We just completed the drawing for our May, 2020 "Win a Welder" giveaway contest. Here are the results!

1st Prize Winner - $500 toward a welder of your choice

@Gary Fowler

2nd Prize Winner - $100 amazon gift card


3rd Prize Winners (3)





Winners will be contacted to arrange prizes! Thank you to everybody who signed up and played.

Now, on to the next contest? :cool:


Well-known member
Good Post Points
Congrats to all the deserving winners ! Great to see a contest like this.

Gary Fowler

Well-known member
Good Post Points
I got my check yesterday and spend it and more today. I was looking for a Plasma cutter and found and Everlast Super Ultra 206 SI that does plasma, TIG and stick. It has a 50 amp plasma cutter, a 200 amp TIG, 160 amp stick all on 220v or you can run at reduced amps with 120v. I was considering a MIG machine but I also wanted a TIG and didnt want to buy 2 bottles. I guess I will have to be happy with my small FCAW machine until I can win another contest and buy an extra bottle. I may just mothball my Miller 250 Amp DC antique


Active member
Good Post Points
A huge humungous Thank You to @MC and his new and growing for the Rapicca heavy duty leather welding gloves, which arrived Rapidly, with enough leather on them to reskin an entire cow. Each of the fingers have an extra patch of leather sewn on to the palm supinated wear surfaces.

These are the kind of gloves that are thick enough to protect blacksmiths reaching into their gas fired forges for their knives hammered out of retired files. If I put these gloves in the glove box or center console, any passengers who ride with me would think I just bought a brand new truck, the leather smells so new, and there is so much of it, Come to think of it, if I ever sell my 20 year old truck, I could buy a pair of these for each seat, and stuff them inside the upholstery to get that new truck smell.

I probably shouldn't admit to substance abuse, but I held the open end of the plastic bag with the gloves inside and took a few good strong whiffs. Sssnnniiiiiiifffff. Ssssnnniiiiifffff. Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh. The smell of new leather. Suddenly the world's problems melted away, like gel anti spatter guard on my gas cup. I started floating ... forgetting all about pandemic and protests. It was a good high.

And certainly a high point of the beginnings of the WeldingSite forum. Thank you @MC for your enthusiasm and creative out of the box thinking that you have employed to create a new conversation space for those interested in the art and practice of welding. Something that I should get back too... as my writing is obviously a little ropey.... er ah, dopey.

Gary Fowler

Well-known member
Good Post Points
I got my Everlast SuperUltra 206 SI unboxed today. The 220 V plug is different from my current welding machine (3 prong vs my 4 prong plug) so I have to buy some material to add a new outlet. More later.