how fast can you move?

Gary Fowler

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Had to go buy more glue traps. Wife was in the bathroom and started screaming. Another mouse in the middle bath. More glue traps set. This one will be a while coming back. I swatted at it with a broom several times as it as running between the back of the commode and the door. It finally found a crack big enough to squeeze thru and vanished. It may take 3 or 4 days but he will come back looking for water and stumble over one of the traps.

Norm W

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syracuse, ny
Miller 225, Lincoln Tombstone 225 stick, Montgomery Wards DC converter, Hobart mig
I have found that rat bait works well. I run a wire through the center to keep it from being dragged off. When the bait stops disappearing the mice and other rodents are done. Regular traps worked but had to be re-set. The bait makes them seek water and they usually go out to find it. It is a blood thinner that makes them bleed internally.


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I have found the walk the plank 5 gallon bucket mouse trap baited with peanut butter to be better than anything so far.

Bucket technique is a killer. Kinda gross but very effective. I just took a 3/32 Tig rod and ran it through a soda can lengthwise and across the pail. Couple blobs of peanut butter on 2 sides of the can. Set outside against my wood pile and in the morning I had 9 mice.


Good Post Points
A dozen
I have a house in the middle of the woods. Mice come in no matter what. Victor Original mouse traps and peanut butter. Works every time


Good Post Points
In moose traps my old man taught me to but a bit of bacon in the trap and hold a match so it cooks a bit. It does work but I put some peanut butter on it as well. Seems to work. It catches lots of mice. Must taste good they keep coming. Lazy damm cat.


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Just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents on this old post.
I bought a load of welding rod at an auction a few years ago and I keep the stuff I want to keep dry in my basement storage room. Much dryer in there than my garage or pole barn as they are unheated most of the time. I was looking for a box of hard surfacing rod and I found a bar of Fells Naptha laundry soap. The mice had eaten almost half the bar! They say that mice hate the smell of mint. There is even a product called Mouse Magic that is nothing more than peppermint put on something ( I've never used it but hear their commercials) that is supposed to chase mice away. I quit smoking several years ago and used peppermint lozenges in rolls like Lifesavers come in. I had a bag that I carried my lunch to work in and it had a pocket on the outside. I put my mints in that pocket and subsequently found mint wrappers in the cook range storage drawer! So much for mint chases mice away! More like if they are hungry enough and they can digest it they'll eat anything!


Good Post Points
I used to use rat/mouse poison ( well...I still do kind of. I take Warfarin because I am subject to blood clots and Warfarin is nothing more than rat poison!) but I quit using it because after the mouse eats the stuff, goes outside and kicks the bucket some other critter finds the dead mouse and eats it. If the critter is small enough ( a bird, a possum, a raccoon or a cat among other's) that critter may die or at least get very sick. I have a high line that runs through my hay field. On the 2 tower's that the wires attach to I have hawk's and eagle's that perch on them looking for a snack so I don't want to kill them by eating a poisoned mouse.
I went back to snap traps and 5 gallon bucket ramp traps. I need to check the snap traps several times a day but I'm usually in and out of the pole barn many times a day so no big problem. This way I can throw the dead mice in the hay field and the critter that eats it won't die.
I have a 40X80 foot pole barn but as it has dirt floors ( I'm too old to pour my own concrete and too poor to have a contractor do it!) and lots of holes around the doors the mice come and go as they please!


Well-known member
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Sonoma County
... found a bar of Fells Naptha laundry soap. The mice had eaten almost half the bar! ... More like if they are hungry enough and they can digest it they'll eat anything!
Tell me about it! I finally got a game camera to see what was waking us up. In the night there's a parade of critters across the deck - deer, skunk, raccoon family, possum, bobcat, fox. Under the house, all those except deer but then add rat and feral cat.

Under the house is worst. Raccoons scrape the floor joists with their claws - apparently eating bugs from spiderwebs - and we were nearly sure that racket was something climbing up inside the wall - behind our bed. Loud!

I read that Irish Spring soap repels deer and others. I put a bar on a pole and coated some of those joists, plus all the entry points to this no-perimeter-foundation old farmhouse. No effect at all. And the remainder of the bar was half eaten.

The only thing that has helped is lights I can turn on remotely on the deck and under the house. Light plus stomping on the floor makes them stop and look around, but not run away. I'm still looking for solutions.


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SE Michigan
Hobart Handler 210, Lincoln Square Wave TIG, Vulcan 205 stand alone TIG, Hyper Therm CIC Plasma cutter, Titanium 45 amp Plasma Cutter, Lincoln Ranger gas driven ac/dc welder, Harris oxy-acetelyne cutting torch and welding torch, varuous owned shielding gas bottles and a bunch of other stuff....
cats are the best mouse deterrent and we have at least 10 outside ones and 8 in the house and while I don't like cats, they came with the marriage 37 years ago and multiplied. I have a couple that live in the barn with my tractors and implements so no mice, only issue is, they leave paw prints on the hoods of the cab tractors and the open station ones, I have to cover the seats with a large 'Hefty' bag or they sleep on the seats and leave hair on them and sometimes they puke too. IMO, cats are only good for 4 things, they piss (litter box most tikes), poop (litter box again most times) puke (a lot and everywhere, usually where I walk in my sock feet) and eat mice (and usually leave the head laying where we can see it). Wife's cats, not mine so every time they leave something, poop or pee or puke or a mouse head, I tell my wife to clean it up, I'm not going to as I dislike thgem and they are my wife's pets anyway. I'm into dogs myself and we have 2. An Aussie Shepherd and a coon hound that has the most irritating howl you ever heard.

No mice in the machine shop at all. I have that loaded with Victor mouse cubes. I'm sure they'd like to be in there as the floor is heated and it's air conditioned in the summer. Not happening however. No cats in the shop either or dogs for that matter.


Well-known member
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Sonoma County
I need more cats here, to keep down the mice that I see in the game camera eating the birdseed my wife scatters on the deck.

But there are too many predators that eat housecats - Coyote, bobcat, likely the two foxes that hunt in tandem. Maybe the mountain lion that is occasionally reported in the area. There's always some cat out in the orchard watching the gopher holes but its a succession of different replacement cats as the months go by.

I hope it isn't the case I saw mentioned somewhere: Little girl figured out what was happening to her pets and cried "Daddy! All you're doing is feeding cats from the pound to whatever is out there eating every one!"