how fast can you move?

Gary Fowler

Well-known member
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I was doing my morning business on the pot when suddenly something started scratching my privates. Back had been bothering me for several days but man I came off the pot so fast that I didnt even feel any back pain. After I got up, a rather large mouse jumped out of the commode and just sat on the lid looking at me for a few seconds while I looked around for something to smash him with. Finally he jumps off and went behind the commode, but by the time I found something to whack him, he ran out and went into a closet. I set several glue traps around the bathroom and closet and hopefully can catch him. Lately I have had mice in my shop and in the garage and we have caught one or two each week. This is the first time we got one inside the house though. I guess it is a good thing the wife wasnt sitting on the pot, I would have had to call the undertaker. It for sure didnt do any good for my heart either .

Gary Fowler

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Sure did and she went in and put glue traps all over the closet and bathroom.
I have a smart mouse in my shop eating into some Styrofoam packaging. I have put trap and glue traps and failed to catch him. Today I put more glue traps and baited them with some dog food pellets. I placed them several inches from the hole he uses in the foam so he doesnt cover the trap with foam pellets like he has been doing. Will see if that worked tomorrow along with the traps in the bedroom and bathroom.

Dirt Guy

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Sparks, Nevada
Miller 211, miller 135, Eastwood tig 200, Lincoln Weldenpower Engine driven Arc Welder,
Gary, try peanut butter on your traps, works great here. Also check out the commode before you sit on it . Once had a snake in my commode here. I have two Siberian Husky dogs. Showed it to them and they had fun killing it,Then took mr. snake outside and eat it, what a way for mr. snake to go, Better than getting the virus I guess.


Well-known member
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Sonoma County
Not that bad but when we had mice in this 100 year old modest farmhouse I had a similar experience.

I got up in the dark when I heard a mouse, and held a flashlight ready to turn on. After a very quiet minute or so, I felt a mouse sniff the side of my bare foot. I jumped and the mouse did too. With the flashlight on I could see him running around the room afraid to exit past me, then he disappeared. Next day I put more flashing on a spot under the eaves and that ended the invasion.

Gary Fowler

Well-known member
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The wife keeps a tray of dry food out for our German Shepherd to snack on whenever he is hungry so I think that is what attracts the mice to the house. They are smart enough to hide close to the door and run in when it is opened. The dog can open the door also to go in and out and they have automatic closers on them so they close slow enough that a mouse can sneak in.
I caught my culprit in the shop using that same dog food to bait the glue trap. Did the same thing in the house but with all the dog food laying about, I guess here that they arent hungry. I think that one was just thirsty so he was getting a drink when I interrupted him. I did check that toilet this morning before using it FOR SURE>


Well-known member
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Sonoma County
Man about the only thing worse than that was the poor guy who sued the Forest Service.

He lit a cigarette in a campground outhouse.

Didn't realize a previous departing camper had dumped his leftover Coleman fuel down there...

Explosion and severe burns. Worse than the McDonalds Coffee woman.

Gary Fowler

Well-known member
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There is no longer a mouse in the house. I woke up this morning to a scratching sound in the bathroom and there that big mouse was, stuck to a glue trap that I had baited with dog food. Needless to say, I didnt set him free outside but I did give his head a good rap against a steel post. It took him 4 days to come back but finally he came. I was beginning to think it had moved to another location in the house.


Well-known member
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Pine Bluff, Arkansas
Lincoln Pro Mig 180
Peanut butter is the best attractant I have found. Coffee will bring em in too, but who wants to waste their coffee like that.

Gary Fowler

Well-known member
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Peanut butter is the best attractant I have found. Coffee will bring em in too, but who wants to waste their coffee like that.
Peanut butter I have used, but never heard about using coffee. Do you mean coffee beans or do you put a tiny cup of coffee with a tiny sweet roll?


Well-known member
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Pine Bluff, Arkansas
Lincoln Pro Mig 180
Peanut butter I have used, but never heard about using coffee. Do you mean coffee beans or do you put a tiny cup of coffee with a tiny sweet roll?
Just the coffee grounds. I had a mouse get in last year. I knocked it out in the laundry room and threw it outside thinking a cat would grab him, but it found its way back in. The next night I could hear it shuffling around in the kitchen. When I turned on the light it ran across the counter from where the coffee was. The next morning, I went and got glue traps and put a little Folgers in them. It got stuck later on that afternoon. Let's just say a .22 pellet gun made sure it didn't make it back in.


Well-known member
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Arrowsmith, Illinois
a little imperial will also work but the peanut butter really is the best. --- this time of the year mice and voles are starting the move to winter quarters---- we have them here right after fall harvest and fight them the rest of the winter. Keep traps out all the time for best results, that way you have a better chance of getting them when they first come in !

Gary Fowler

Well-known member
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We keep glue traps out all the time. Caught another mouse in wife's closet a few days ago. I dont know what attracts them to that since there is no food there. I dont know how they get inside in the first place.


Well-known member
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Pine Bluff, Arkansas
Lincoln Pro Mig 180
That's the key. Finding the entry point. Kind of have to sit up late at night to see where their travel routes are. They'll show you. As long as there isn't any access to water inside, they will go out for it.

Gary Fowler

Well-known member
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That's the key. Finding the entry point. Kind of have to sit up late at night to see where their travel routes are. They'll show you. As long as there isn't any access to water inside, they will go out for it.
Water!! I think that is why she was in the commode. Always going to be water there and food in the dogs tray. We keep glue traps in the garage also and catch a mouse every couple of weeks there.

Dirt Guy

Well-known member
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Sparks, Nevada
Miller 211, miller 135, Eastwood tig 200, Lincoln Weldenpower Engine driven Arc Welder,
Another thing about garages, I find if you leave the doors open for any long period of time, the mouse will run in , then you shut the doors, and you have a mouse in your garage.

Gary Fowler

Well-known member
Good Post Points
Another thing about garages, I find if you leave the doors open for any long period of time, the mouse will run in , then you shut the doors, and you have a mouse in your garage.
my garage door stays open all day. It opens at 7am approximately and closes around 630 pm. We are in and out of it all day with the RTV so it is alway open. There is nothing in the garage for a mouse to eat but there is dog food inside the house.


Well-known member
Good Post Points
Pine Bluff, Arkansas
Lincoln Pro Mig 180
my garage door stays open all day. It opens at 7am approximately and closes around 630 pm. We are in and out of it all day with the RTV so it is alway open. There is nothing in the garage for a mouse to eat but there is dog food inside the house.
You can't put it past an animal what they'll try to eat. I've found that used engine oil will attract a wasp or 2. Then again, I don't know if they were trying to eat it. But I have found wasps in drain pans that contained oil if i didn't swap containers immediately.